Part 28: Huntin' Du'Cate


I guess it's Bud's turn to go adventuring. I don't know anymore, but he's got his own little thing going on, so I figure, kill two birds with one stone, you know?

I don't feel like going into Lumina for awhile after running into the rabbit. Let's see where this Medallion takes us.

This place looks intimidating, like it could be easy to get lost in.

Huh, a small group. Wonder if they're treasure hunters.

...20,000 Lucre for a Du'Cate, huh?

So I hunt them down and give this guy the tails, and I should have enough money to make some decent weapons and armor, all the better to fuel my Golems.
Right, time to get to it...


Whoa, never seen that before!

Aah, there it goes!

Eh... Probably for the best. That thing seemed to have some intelligence.
Hard to imagine that guy's part of a race that brought down a wyrm, but I still doubt I want to try to capture him. I'll settle for the Du'Cate.

Oh, hello. Think I'll walk by and see if he does anything. Maybe I'll try talking to the faeries to see what he does.

Alright, maybe not.

Does he want me to follow him?

Don't see the harm, I suppose!

Now that I see one in person, it does bring to mind the few things I've read about them in books.

Looks like the two are wandering around in circles. Good thing I have a guide!

What an odd pair of creatures. Bird and snake attached to each other? These foes get weirder by the land.

Fortunately, the rock I used to forge these gloves have some fire elemental power within them, so I'm dealing even more damage to this crew.
Another job do-

What now?

Thanks, I guess?

Sigh... This guy moves so slow.

I...think I'll take my chances on my own.


These guys are fearsome, and they resist my gloves rather well. Definitely one of the trickier foes I've faced so far.

Seems the undead inhabit this jungle as well. Fortunately, these guys are rather fragile.

Audrey II's spores also help knock them out, making them easier to manage and destroy.

Poor fool. Better go warn-

Looks like he has a keener eye than I thought. Maybe I should give him more credit.

It's not like there's a lack of funky animals around here. But whatever, let's check it out.

Rosiotti? One of the Wisdoms?

Bud chats with him for a bit, but I'm more curious about this Du'Cate thing we're chasing. Maybe I can steer the conversation that way...

Considering I haven't found him yet, this may not be a bad idea. One of them's rather smart, and the other's rather strong. Between the three of us, we could track it down rather easily.

Eh, don't see the harm in doing so.

Faeries over here, huh? They willingly talk to me, so surely they won't hate me enough to kick me out of their home.

...Maybe I'm getting a wee bit arrogant.

Perfect! But three heads are better than two, so...

So the large guy will use his mass to scare Du'Cate out of hiding, while the skinny guy will use his speed to corner Du'Cate to a place he can't flee. After that, I can come out and beat him up.
Maybe I should try this teamwork thing more often!

I love it when a plan comes together.

Eh, nothing I haven't seen be-


Whew... coming up to a dead end. Hopefully they lured Du'Cate here!
Video: Boss - Du'Cate

Huh, no sign of him. I hope the other two didn't screw up.

Aha! Found you!

So this is the guy that everybody's been hunting for. I'll show them how to hunt in style!

Should've just had me do the job to begin with.

Bah, almost snagged his tail! There goes my money!

Hey, it's those two again. Gotta hand it to them, they lured Du'Cate out, even if I couldn't snag the reward.

If anyone screwed up here, it's me.

My sentiments exactly.

Nice consolation, but still, I was the one who messed things up. Plus they need the money more, so...

Somewhere new to go to, at least.

They may be screw-ups, but at least they're among the more competent screw-ups I've met. And I should know, I've met a lot of screw-ups so far.
Too many, really.